Kitayama Kagami of beautiful woman comes in this perfect style in teaching practice … It is just Yodare thing. A senior teacher who tries to encourage by tapping the body against a person who can not progress class as easily as possible. I will be ejaculated in the mouth (inside the school) in the staff room which is supposed to be a sanctuary of education as much as possible. But with that, the students who were blown out at once were able to understand each other’s problem with their own body. There are only two of us in the classroom where there is no one, I’ve been caught in my chest, I’m still not used to the body of a woman young boy student who is not used to the anal, I feel like I’m gonna raise my voice, did

教育実習に、こんな完璧のスタイルで美人の北山かんながやってきたら…それだけでヨダレものです。 なかなか思うように授業が進められないかんなに対して、身体を弄って励まそうとする先輩教師。事もあろうに教育の聖域でああるはずの職員室で口内(校内)射精されちゃいます。しかしそれで、一気に吹っ切れたかんなは、問題の生徒とも自分の身体を使ってわかりあうことに…。誰もいない教室で二人きり、胸をもみくちゃにされて、まだあまり女の身体には慣れない男子生徒の若いチンコをアナルに挿入されて、声をあげて感じまくり最後は中出しまでされちゃうのでした。